Thursday, June 9, 2011


Spaghetti mustard and pie

and then the blue jay said where are my pants and the caterpillar was like you don't wear pants you’re a bird!

I mean look at Donald duck for Pete's sake!

And then phone computer pen post-it note

and the raccoon said HUG A TREE and the other raccoon was like OK! but only because it is June!!!! and so they did.

it's ok

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Laaaaaast night

I wanted to go home and clean this...
but lucky me! i got to clean this....

and there was more trash in the kitchen....all because the dog got out of his crate.

Friday, June 3, 2011

happy as a clam

I just started drawing and a little crabby came out and he's cute
I don't know what he wants to do yet. Right now he's just floating and chirrupping.
He wants to pinch something
And a hot dog
Sitting on a red and white checkered blanket 
At the beach
now he is as happy as a clam

best story ever!!!

and it's true

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

i feel like this

Prediction of how church will go tonight…..updates later

I type 77 wpm

oh no!

So there I was at work minding my own business drinking my monster when boss man said "here! You drink more monster!!!!! Then you will be funny" Having no self control when it comes to monsters I said GIMMIE!!!!!!
I predect the rest of the day going somethign like this.......
we shall let you know what happens!