Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grammasorous rex

Grammar question:

"I must meet the needs of others' when mine are not met."

Is that right or should it be other's?

I should meet the needs of others. The possessive attribute is applied in the "of" so there is no possession involved with "others."
So we were both wrong! No, I was right. I meant me and the other person.
What if it is "Meet others needs when mine are not met"?
Haha so I was right on that one YES!!!!!
"Other's" implies there's only one "other," in which case the sentence would need to read something along the lines of, "I need to meet the other's needs" or "an other's needs," where "others'" implies that whatever you are referring to belongs to multiple others.

I are the win at grammar!!!

Grammar is super confusing sometimes. I've given up on expecting the majority of people to get it right. No one cares about it anymore.
=*( I care about you, grammar! I CARE!!!
That is because grammar is trixy it does not even follow its own rules!!!!
But that's half the fun!!! It keeps it entertaining. But even the caveats have rules... it's just a matter of really sincerely listening and understanding where it's coming from... if grammar feels like you care about it, it will open up and learn to trust you.

so what did we learn?
The Grammar PoPo tries to kill you dead but the Grammar PoPo don't really care, they just want to feel superior.

But Grammar just wants to be friends.

and fight for you!

and that means you WIN!!!!!!!

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